windows 10 enterprise spanish Torrent

windows 10 enterprise spanish Torrentwindows 10 enterprise spanish Torrent RELEASE INFO

* File: LTSCX64.OFF19.ESP.MAR2019.iso
* Size: 4,48GB
* Format: Bootable ISO

* SOURCES: X21-96471 & es_office_pro_plus_2019_x64,(office professional plus 2019 espanol Torrent)

* CRC32: fb605d6f
* MD5 : 332f7994af5aed7a4b058f5872f06689
* SHA-1: 41d90a5c961cc9acbeb39ed48e890f5ba598ff46


Integrated / Pre-installed:

* Servicing Stack Update:
* KB4470788
* CumulativeUpdate:
* KB4489899
* Cumulative Update for
* .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.7.2:
* KB4486553
* Flash Player Security Update:
* KB4489907
* Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64bit

SetupComplete & Post-install:

* .NET Framework 3.5
* Defender Updates



* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
* Office 2019 ProPlus VL
* Activated by OnlineKMS

* UEFI-ready
* (Use attached Rufus USB-tool to make UEFI-bootable).
* Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 10.0 (Microsoft DaRT)
* install.wim compressed to recovery format (install.esd)


* Create bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,
* (attached) or burn to DVD-DL at slow speed.

CREDIT * WindowsAddict, Authtor of Windows Activation Script 

* Hope you will enjoy this release! 

* Regards,
* Generation2

Descargar windows 10 spanish Torrent


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